Verizon 2012-13 Technical Interview Papers

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In my previous post  i already mentioned Verizon interview process and some Verizon previous year paper to prepare for verizon interview.

Here In this post i posted some technical model questions. From this set of questions you get the idea of what type of question asked in interviews.

Verizon Technical Paper

What is recursion. Why we use recursive function.

Concept of paging in operating system.

What is TCP/IP Protocol.

Which sorting technique is to used to sort the element in minimum complexity.

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS.

Find the largest element in an array.

What is the most efficient way to count the number of bits which are set in a value? 

How can I convert integers to binary or hexadecimal? 

How can I call a function, given its name as a string? 

How do I access command-line arguments? 

How can I return multiple values from a function? 

How can I invoke another program from within a C program? 

How can I access memory located at a certain address? 

How can I allocate arrays or structures bigger than 64K? 

How can I find out how much memory is available? 

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